Monday, 16 April 2012



Blergh, once again it has taken me a million years to update this here thing. Papa H took my camera away for a week to fix it up and to figure out how to achieve depth of field shots on the crappy thing. He finally figured it out yesterday (or so he said, I think he was just being a tad lazy) and popped over today to give me a quick tutorial on how to do it. Unfortunately the light went before Ol and I had a chance to snap a few pics, so here are a couple I managed to do in my living room, and one of Father Dearest. YEAH!


His beard = hilarious. Mam, Sue and I took him shopping the other day to give him a radical image overhaul. He ended up buying four shirts, two pairs of trousers and some snazzy brogues, only to turn up today wearing his standard fleece and hiking boots combo. Le sigh.

After recording the last of the voiceovers for the music therapy documentary, Jenny and I went and took a few snaps of my revamped leather. I've had the bloody thing since I was 18 and it's slowly been disintegrating since. The collar was a right old mess, but as I was reluctant to part with it I decided to sew on a bit of my trusty zebra-print ponyskin fabric and safety-pinned the lapels to the main body as it kept flippity flapping in the wind, which was a pain in the arse.


Leather jacket - badly revamped by myself
Blouse and boots - Internacionale
Skirt - charity shop
Specs - H&M

In other news, I've been on a bit of a creative frenzy the past few weeks. A lack of money and therefore things to do has inspired me to sit at home endlessly cutting, painting and stitching, and has resulted in this strange collection of utterly tragic garments.

I dyed the denim blouse bright pink in the kitchen sink, attached the gems to the shoulders and printed Explodin' Dr Jaggers (the unicorn) on the back. I may add a couple of blue and white stars around him. We'll see. The bandana was an old scrap of material that Sian chucked my way, which I tidied up and tied around my bonce.

The waistcoat was originally that spray-bleached blazer I posted in my last blog. In an ill-fated attempt to turn it into a cape I hacked off the arms before realising it was too short, so I painted a rudimentary galazy print all over it and hoped for the best...


I shortened my old 40's pencil skirt, and added the zebra print to the collars of my leather and red jacket, and made a lame 'peace' sign patch to pin onto whatever takes my fancy because I'm kinda obsessed with that iconography at the moment, mmkay?

I turned a lovely but unflattering dress that Zoe gave me into an even lovelier skirt (helluva lot of darts involved there) and finally got round to patching up the massive bloody hole in the floral pocket shorts I customised a couple of weeks ago. And I dug out the old 'Fuck Fashion' t-shirt I made in November, because I realised I'd never actually posted it.

Right-ho, enough waffling. I'm off to tend to the black and white brigade. Adios! X


  1. Im loving your DIY's! :D And you should be thankful that your dad let you take him shopping mine would never do that :P aha xx

  2. Jesus, I can't keep up - so many comments.

    Firstly, my dad looks like Iggy Pop. *shakes head* And I would never trust him with anything, he breaks shit when he thinks/pretends he is fixing it. He has cost me a fortunewith his "Here,let me a take a look at it before you take it to the mechanic/electrician.

    Love the b&w skirts and boots. Cute as. I love all the other pics, the tiger print, the scarf... and you look awesome in pink.


    1. Oh god, why do dads always insist they can fix everything? It's as though they took some kind of all-inclusive 'crap DIY' course which has taught them how to thoroughly make a balls-up of anything. My dad is a cameraman/photographer by trade so I can trust him with my crappy little picture box, but I'll never mention anything else thats broken for fear of him coming round and accidentally blowing the fusebox. xx

  3. All of your outfits are amazing, I wish I was that creative with my clothes. xxxx

    1. Ahh thankyou! I always worry that I look totally stupid when I walk out my front door, so you've made me very happy! Glad to see yr keeping up with the nail art :) xxx

  4. loving the latest D.I.Y's! I need to take a trip to the haberdashery shop soon! I have no supplies, but no bloody space to store supplies either!

    Loving the 1st outfit, the proper rocker with middle finger in the air is awesome.

    really love the blazer you edited but it does actually look way better as a waist coat!

    thanks for the resent comment on my blog! you're a doll. <3

