As a result, I'm often asked how I manage to find as many gems as I do. Many people remain sceptical, and refuse to believe that it's possible to dress at all stylishly when shopping almost exclusively chazz. Now, I never have and never will claim to be any kind of fashion mastermind (a quick glance at previous posts will prove that quite the opposite is true), but I have acquired a few nifty tricks and tips that come in handy when trawling for thrifty treasures. So, dear reader, I present you with the Baudelaire Guide to Bargain-Hunting. Enjoy!
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go with an idea of what you’re looking for in mind. Rare is the occasion that
you’ll come home, arms laden with bags and waddling like the Michelin Man, from
an aimless jaunt down to Scope. Remember that second hand shopping is an
entirely different kettle of fish to browsing your nearest branch of New Look,
where the best-sellers are strategically placed in order to ensure your
immediate attention. The majority of the time that lace collared cream vintage
blouse you’ve been coveting is hidden away, waiting for you to discover it
lurking behind a nasty Matalan puffa jacket. Make a list of the key items you
hope to come away with and what criteria they must fit, then make a beeline for
the appropriate rail.
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persistence is the ticket. It took two weeks of scouring the 15+ chazz
establishments in my immediate vicinity before I found the perfect pastel
petticoat skirt my wardrobe was so desperately in need of. Don’t be disheartened
if an eagerly anticipated trip throws up only an obscene amount of unravelling
knitwear. Most charity shops get very regular donations, and always have a vast
amount of unsorted gear stashed out back just waiting to be organised and put
out. What you don’t find first time around will almost always appear on a
second or third attempt.

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settle for something you’re not entirely sure of just because you feel that
all-consuming urge to buy something. The seasoned charity shopper knows all too
well that second-hand impulse buying is an exercise in futility. 99% of the
time, that hastily grabbed nylon monstrosity will find its way back to the
thrift store rails in a matter of weeks. Great for the charities, not so
fantastic for your bank balance.
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check the quality of the fabric, the application of any embellishments and the
cut of a dress, blouse or jacket. When executed correctly, charity shopping
will time and again throw up buys that will be wardrobe staples for years. Don’t
be tempted to sacrifice quality for quantity – wear-once pieces are what
Primark was invented for!
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may sound achingly obvious, but whenever possible try before you buy. You can
discount the eye-offending bad’uns immediately and ascertain whether an item
can be cunningly taken in or customised. Don’t ever be afraid to try something
completely out of your comfort zone, either. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve
picked up an item that looks utterly vile on the hanger and run to the changing
rooms for a quick LOL, only to fall completely in love. Yep, that Keith
Haring-print playsuit that seemed oh-so-hilarious when spotted will in all
likelihood become your new sartorial best friend.
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EVER buy Primark second hand. There is absolutely no point whatsoever. You are
only cheating yourself.
(First two photographs courtesy of Google Images.)
Love it. Do you know that I hada two weeks staycation earlier this year and spent the two weeks solidly going from chazza to chazza? I got so much stuff (mind you, if you factor in how many stores I went into...).
ReplyDeleteI totally agree - befriend them and they will keep stuff aside for you that "Just looked like you".
I don't even need to touch the stuff anymore. I just cast my eye over the racks. My eyes are keenly-honed to spot designer and or vintage at twenty paces. Seriously. And I always have items I am searhcing for eg manky horse pictures and I end up finding bonus '60s shoes for $3. :D
I cut my fringe and it is awesome. Mind, it is always awesome on day one. Ask me again next week - it may be a totally diferent story
Your posts really crack me up. I imagine primark is like buying Forever 21 2nd hand. yuck. Although I have done it before. Believe me, I wouldn't be selling my clothes if I didn't have to. I love them, and it was painful as i listed them on Etsy. But if no one buys them I can always wear them after I have my baby and lose my weight. yey!