Sunday, 6 May 2012



Bleedin' Nora, it's been a while hasn't it?

The past two weeks have been madness. SHEER MADNESS, I TELL YOU. The rush to make it to the end of second year without missing a deadline sent all of us on the BA Journo couse a little stir-crazy. The Research Proposal alone provoked a mass panic larger than any we've had on our previous news days - which invariably consist of much hair-pulling, yelling and at least one nervous breakdown. About three hours before the RP deadline I found Dan hiding in the library surrounded by a mountain of books with a look of sheer unadulterated terror etched onto his face, browsing a book about S&M pornography in the vague hope that it might be able to help him in some way. I doubt it did.

Buuuut...IT'S ALL OVER! Yes, as of Friday I am a free woman for five whole months. I have a pile of sewing sat on my dining room table and a two foot stack of books that are completely unrelated to media by my bedside. It's been five long years since I've had an extended period of time wherein nothing needs to be done and I plan on enjoying it, goddamnit.

I give it four days before the 'holy crap, I'm bored' rants kick off. Place your bets now, amigos.

I have managed to fit in a couple of non-uni related shenanigans over the past couple of weeks that have no doubt saved me from going completely cuckoo. Oli and I took a whistlestop trip to Chester as he was promoting Cardiff Uni at some higher education fair at a college. As there was nowhere for me to go to do any work, I ended up sitting on the stall with him and directing any misguided students who were daft enough to ask me for information to the Glamorgan Uni stand. If the Chancellor is reading this - I assume my cheque is in the post. Ta, like. We did get a quick chance to check out the beautiful medieval city centre and explore one of the best boutiques I've visited in a while - Lily Vintage. Their shoe collection was INSANE (I picked up a great pair of mid-heel 80's courts for a mere £14), and have had my reluctance to dip my toes into the neon trend lessened somewhat after finding two outstanding garish knits lurking amongst the mohair cardigans. The owner assured me that their website will be up and running very soon - I assured him I'd have my debit card at the ready.

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The rain prevented Oli from getting a decent snap of my Alice In Wonderland themed outfit on my tragic phonecam, but I was such a fan of the white tights/forest-print skirt/red Mary Janes combo that I felt it necessary to subject you to the above blurry nightmare. Sorry etc.

Jenny and I also took part in a super-fun photoshoot for her friend Holly's uni project. We grabbed a bunch of our favourite vintage finds and customised goodies then sat and enjoyed being made up at the hands of the wonderfully talented Kathryn Campbell. We spent a good hour sifting through the sartorial mess on Hollys bedroom floor and pieced together a few outfits that we felt best reflected our fash-schizophrenia. I haven't had a chance to check out the full set of pictures yet - Jenny has assured me she will bring them when we finally get to go for that long-overdue coffee - but here are a few of the off-guard snaps and final edits that Holly handed in.

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As today was the first time that I haven't been a) relentlessly trawling feminist media textbooks or b) hungover, I grabbed Oli and forced him to take a couple of outfit snaps that accurately reflect my total lack of style over the past few weeks - basically inadvertent 90's grunge borne from a reluctance to get all dressed up for the daily library visit. Student life is 24/7 glamour. The denim jacket was a beast of a find. Oversized Wrangler for a mere £4.99? Be still, my beating heart.

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Denim - InterAid
Hoodie - H&M
T-shirt&Tights - Topshop
Boots - RSPCA
Bag - Penny Lane
Sunnies - Primark

I'll leave you with a few links to prove that I haven't just been slacking on the blogging front, and a promise that I will be back very, very soon. Adios! - Consort, the magazine for the 'Over 50's Gentleman' that we put together from scratch for Mag Journo. - A short radio documentary put together by Efa and I about the squatting law reforms.


  1. Fab tights.

    Would you be insulted if I tell you that you look like Katie Holmes in the green? She is gorgeous, just, you know, she is married to Tom. *grimaces*

    What do have planned for your five months? Goals?

  2. sorry for the late comment, I noticed ypu had posted a new blog but only had chance to flick through the photos!

    I know what you mean about being busy! I seem to have been non stop for the past few weeks!

    Love the photo shot photos, spesh the ones with you outside the cafe, really pretty!!

    <3 x

  3. Lovely outfit :D Love the photo shoot pics :D <3
