Sunday, 11 March 2012

Summer, is that you a'calling?


I don't believe it...I don't ruddy believe it! I got 98% of the way through this post when my computer decided to unceremoniously shut itself down. Technology is great until it goes wrong. I'll try and replicate it the best I can, but don't expect much as I'm about ten minutes away from dropkicking the bastard. Here goes...

Huzzah! I was awoken today by a beam of sunlight shining on my pillow. This is tremendously exciting because the last few weeks have seen me constantly wearing between four and six layers in an attempt to warm my frozen bones. This rare show of good weather prompted as summery an outfit as the mediocre weather would allow - perfect for a walk in the park with Jenny and Sunday Social at Mama H's. The bad photo face showcased below is down to the fact that I had just stuffed a three course meal in my gob and was anxious to sit down and watch The Bodyguard.


Bandana - Rebel Rebel
Dress - Topshop via Zoe
Cut off demin - butchered by yours truly
Scarf - found in a club
Cons - ancient

Zoe kindly donated me a couple of frocks yesterday, which I was hugely grateful for considering my current dire financial situation, which won't be rectified 'til April...APRIL! This means that sadly, my plans to change my name legally by deed poll are going to have to be put on hiatus for a couple of weeks. Looks like everyone is just going to have to wait a little longer until they can accurately call me Betti, The Ghost Hunter.

I'm not sure if I previously posted pictures of my bargainous Moschino Cheap and Chic jacket (and I'm far too lazy to check), but I've finally gotten around to beginning the alteration process. Not by me, of course. The risk of turning this nugget of joy into a beautifully beaded mess is far too high, so I've handed the responsibility over to sewing maestro Bridget S.Hunter. It's now up to her to cut, pin and sew the vast swathes of excess material to a size that won't leave me looking like a child dressing up in mummys going-out garb.


In an act of flagrant disregard towards the ever-mounting pile of essays I really should be getting on with, I sat down with Mama H and Oli to watch The Bodyguard. Kind of wish I hadn't bothered tbh, as I spent most of the time wanting to punch Kevin Costner's character in the face. Bridge didn't seem too keen either. Here she is, playing peekaboo with the TV.


I'll leave you with a cracking video made by Spanish artist Yolanda Dominguez, which perfectly satirises the unbearably awkward poses in fashion magazines. As a (barely passable) fashion blogger, I think it's good to be able to laugh at this shit. Personal favourite is the woman who looks like she's having a mental breakdown in Maccy D's - make sure you hold out long enough for that one. Adios! x



  1. I love that jacket its so cute! :D Good video aswell , made me chuckle :P aha xx

  2. OOOH I've been looking for a stripey dress like that for ages. It is cuuuuuteee and so is your face. Also I like your "dad" badge. I am going to call you Dad from now on.

  3. outfits really cool! made me laugh that you found that scarf in a club! haha!

    That video is hilarious! that's how we shall be posing in the middle of the street if we had our camera tripods! :')

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Betti you look absolutely gorgeous in those photos!!! <3

    p.s. WE MUST DO THAT VIDEO SOON!!!! bahahaa I say when we see DRUGS we make a day of it in Bristol!! ;) xxxxx

  6. OMG i laughed so hard, this video is hilarious!!! ordinary people posing like models is hilarious to watch, and actually makes us understand that some things are meant for magazines and magazines only.
    p.s you look fab as always and i am so happy that i inspired you with my latest bohemian editorial

  7. Buenas! ya veo que estas empezando y tienes poc@s seguidores/as pero tranquila, yo te animo a seguir adelante que este mundo es muy especial =) Mucha suerte wapa

    Un beso^^.Tienes una nueva seguidora :D

    Si te gusta mi blog puedes seguirme en o si lo prefieres en bloglovin' Gracias!!
