Thursday, 15 March 2012

New Chazz Spoilzz


My good friend and housemate Sian and I went for a wander around the charity shops yesterday in an attempt to further put off the crazy amount of reading currently sitting in our bedrooms. I set myself a £5 spending limit as my bank account cant take much more of a pounding, and found this brilliant striped maxi at Islamic Relief for a mere £2.50! I've not really been keen on maxi's until now (I tend to trip over them) but this one is the perfect length, especially worn with wedges. I was a bit wary of the horizontal stripes as I'm engaged in constant battle with patterns and silhouettes to disguise my pear shape, but I found that the kick at the bottom of this dress more than compensated for the hips of doom...


Butchered denim - sliced and diced by me.
Cure t-shirt - printed in my living room.
Striped maxi - Islamic Relief
Bag - Penny Lane
Cross necklaces - (small) InterAid (large) put together in a fit of boredom.
Bizarre sporty wedge things (just seen) - Primark

Apologies for the fuzzy picture quality. I'm beginning to think that Picnik editing is actually destroying their quality rather than enhancing it. It's either that or Photobucket. All I know is that they're fine before I upload them to t'internet - how frustrating.

My other chaz buy was a bloody massive men's t-shirt from RSPCA. After yet another lengthy rant session at chez Loz and Zoe the other night, I posted this rambling on my other blog regarding the unwarranted verbal harassment many women experience on a daily basis. Carrying on from this theme, I indulged in my rampant feminist side (once again) and have started working on the aforementioned t-shirt to create a riot-grrrl worthy dress. It's in it's formative stages at the moment, and the quality of the lettering is truly awful as I hand drew and cut the stencil in about a minute with a blunt scalpel and a cig in hand. A couple more layers are needed on the paint before I work on highlighting the words in red, then it'll be time to slice, dice and stitch to achieve an end product that's just about wearable. What do you guys think? Have I taken my angry-woman-on-a-mission sentiments too far?


I'll leave you with a late night must-listen, which should preferably be accompanied by a glass of bourbon and a room full of Gauloise smoke. Adios! x


  1. I looked at the pics before I read the text and I KNEW what your tee meant immediately. :D

    You look like a little dolly. The skirt, tee and jacket look great together and I am loving the blonde bit.

  2. Ohhh I really like the maxi skirt! Looks really cool with the shirt and vest. ALSO hello sexy hair! Good luck with your feminist-shirt-making, can't wait to see the finished product. :) :) :)

  3. that skirt is amazing for £2.50! I was never one for maxis until I got one recently and now I cant stop looking for maxi skirts and dresses to purchase!
    I'm off for a charity shop binge soon, hopefully I'll get as good as a bargain as this!

    Also, wierd freaky men piss me off too. whistling as if you are calling a dog is not a way to attract a lady, nor are the shouted words of sexy, oi oi, phwoar,etc. you'd think they'd get a life. :)
