Sunday, 18 March 2012

Gloom, Doom and Dark Shadows.

I'm going to freak out and have a bit of a fan-girl moment here. Please bear with me for the following paragraph:

OMFGGGGSJFHAI12!"£1!"£42O!!@!!1! HOW TERRIFYINGLY AWESOME does Tim Burton's latest flick look? Speaking as someone who worships pretty much everything the gothic mastermind turns his hand to, I personally cannot wait to see his take on the 60's soap. If nothing else I will be glued to my cinema seat, jaw agape, frantically scribbling detailed style notes on every single scene. Michelle Pfiefer's glorious locks! Chloe Moretz's insouciant stare and bib-front dress! Eva Green and her sultry femme fatale glamour! Bella Heathcote's delicate lace, pastels and Peter Pan collar! Helena Bonham Carter being freakishly amazing as per! Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp. Feast yr eyes in wonder...



On a more colourful note, Jenny relieved me from my essay-writing duties on Saturday so we went for a drive and a coffee in our rainbow-inspired attire, blasting Chicks on Speed 'Fashion Rules' because, y'know, we're a couple of fashion bloggers who defy convention and stick our fingers up at Lagerfeld et al because WE JUST DON'T CARE about the rules imposed by the fash-pack Nazi's, maaaaan.

God, I am so full of self-loathing right now. Real reason was that I was curious as to what a CD marked with a simple, enigmatic 'Oct 2005' might hold. I don't think there's any way we could claim to defy convention. I would still stick my fingers up at Lagerfeld though, the fattist chump. Nowt wrong with having a bit of junk in yo' trunk, Karl. I bet he wears Spanx anyhow.

We drove to my dad's house in the vague hope that there would be food there, which was a bit of a doy move considering he's midway through filming a documentary about nice people on second-hand motorbikes. In Africa. His cupboards contained a box of oatcakes and a crumbly chunk of green cheese. Appetising. So instead we walked around the corner to snap a couple of pictures in the nearby lane. Bloody posers etc etc.


Headscarf - Northcote Lane market
Cardigan - donated by Esther
Sleeveless shirt - New Look
Cut-offs - Scope
Cons - um, Converse.

I decided I should probably start injecting a bit of colour into my wardrobes, as due to my recent mopey-goth stylings people have started asking me whether I'm in mourning. So behold! Colour! Whimsical bows and a clownish knit! I've entered this 'look' into the latest ASOS Fashion Finder competition - prize being £500 to spend on the site and (more excitingly) an editorial feature on the FF website. I'm keeping my hopes high but my expectations low!

Discovered a Cock House. This made me laugh. I am a child.


Last but not least, Efa and I found this brilliant poster in the S.U on Friday when hiding from the TV newsday, and have put forth our applications to appear as extras.


After all, what girl doesn't want to be cast as a drooling zombie in a student film called Hobocaust? Adios! x


  1. Bella Heathcote looks freaking amazing. I want that hair.

    I am loving your look. I would NEVER pull that off.

  2. That was such an epic read!!!! I enjoyed that very much Baudelaire! More days like this please! <3 xxxxx

  3. Hahaha Hobocaust. Awesome. I want to go on driving adventures with you! Weeeee fun. Also HOLY CRAP at Tim Burton movie. I wonder if Johnny, Tim and Helena ever get sick of each other? The movie looks sooooooo friggin goooood!

  4. I go away for a weekend to come back to 3 new blogs by you, well impressed :P

    Love this outfit! the cardigan is super-cute! and the headscarf looks so pretty!

    Let me know if you get the part! would love to see you all zombied up! haha! x

  5. hahaha i laughed so hard with your Karl related jokes, you rock! and that movie, i always loved Tim Barton and anything related to Johny and Helena. and Chloe is so cute and Michelle so freaking talented. that i can't wait to watch this.
    anddddd not to forget i am back to blogging! yeah! thanks for your comment regarding my absence and the fact that i always post some summer inspired editorials. lol. that's me.
