Luckily, this post isn't just going to be another couple of paragraphs detailing my inability to get out of bed at a reasonable hours, because believe it or not SOMETHING INTERESTING HAPPENED THIS WEEK!! Yes, to me!! As you can see, I currently live a pretty sheltered life in this student-centric bubble. Just a few days ago, I spent a good four hours marvelling over the existence of honeycomb syrup when the barista accidentally put it in my latte. So yeah, um, going on a surprise trip to BLOODY PARIS was pretty excellent!

Browsing Miu Miu on Bond Street pre-Paree - sould destroyingly beautiful.

The Princess Louise - seriously the most beautiful pub in the UK. These pictures don't do it justice but Google it and marvel at it's perfectly preserved Victorian interior. They do a damn good cider, too. Ol was loving it.

The most hyper-girly shop I have ever had the pleasure of visiting, in Covent Garden. I wanted to move in and live among the ruffles.
Paris was a dream. The architecture, the history, the people (not a single person was horrible to us, contrary to what most of our friends had warned) and ohhh the food! Smashing.

Our quick break allowed us to take in the typical tourist hotspots, and also to wander round the streets aimlessly in search of coffee and Sobranie cigarettes.

Oli saved the best bit of all 'til the last day. Since developing a borderline obsession with the life of Marie Antoinette (after reading 'The Journey' by Antonia Fraser, which is a beautiful account of MA's life and the history of the French Revolution) and then falling completely head over heels in love with Sofia Coppola's unconventional portrayal of life at the French court, I have been utterly fixated with the idea of visiting Versailles and witnessing the splendour myself. So we did, and by jove it was magical.

That last shot was taken in Marie Antoinettes bedroom. I damn near cried.

I don't think I ever want to see another tracksuit again in my life. The palace has spoiled my eyes, being the absolute treat that it was, and since returning home I have placed my most elaborate ruffled and beaded pastel garments into their own special drawer and filled my sewing project bag with as much lace and tulle as I can find. This is more than Meadham Kirchoff hyper-girly. This is RENAISSANCE STYLE HYPER-GIRL, and drawing influence from the stunning below photographs I'm on a mission to recreate as much of a flamboyant Versailles wardrobe as my limited skills and Cardiff's narrow-minded ideas on fashion will allow.

(Photos - Annie Leibovitz for Vogue)
More idiotic outfit posts to come, enjoy that. Adios! x
Girlieeeee missed you but that's fine by me since you were in PARIS!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy that you always find time to stop by my blog and comment, i mean i never met you up close but it sort of feels like i did. I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw you standing in Paris looking all fab,i mean i have visited Paris before but don't i miss it???? yesssssss i do! you guessed right.its such a fab city to visit and live (i guess, i never had the pleasure to live there). and don't u look fab as always? i have already talked to u about the girl-crush i have with your hair, and now with your fur coat, which if i was wearing it i would look like a little (cute) bear.
and now you'll go and think that i am overflattering you lol.
i am glad u had so much fun girl. we all need some fun.
ohhh not to forget do not worry for the link i told u to click, i don't see them wanting to collaborate with me any time soon. I've emailed them asking them if i had already raised a decent number of clicks,and guess what??? no reply!!!! i guess that's just what happens when u don't have 5000 followers.
but ok, i am fine, life goes on.
hope u are having fun back home as well.
OMFG! Was the chazza challenge off en Paris? Better have been. Was this a surprise VD gift? So jealous. Everything is divine. I am pretty sure the stuff in your Miu Miu and my Miu Miu is different. Hmmm... That ruffle store in Convent Garden- *swoons* I have been doing LOADS of chazza-ing. Have two weeks off work and am redecorating house. So much fun. Glad you're back.
I was going to shout at you for not writing a blog for so long, but since you were in Paris ill let you off! so jealous :P
ReplyDeleteThanks for my ever so lovely comments on my page also :) <3
Shout at me all you want, it might motivate me to update more than once a century! x