Wednesday, 8 February 2012

I like that you exist and breathe and shit


God, it's been another good long while since I posted, hasn't it? Our internet got cut off again, although this time it was the fault of my housemate, who didn't pay the bill. Helpful in the extreme. That sucked, because it meant I didn't have the opportunity to upload my final Charity Shop Challenge blog. Boo. Never fear, however, because a super-exciting essay about my views on alternatives to shopping at super-chains will be appearing on my other blog shortly, so you can all have fun ignoring that ;)

Ohh ouch. I just managed to hurt my finger quite badly - on a piece of Toblerone. How the hell did I manage that?! The rest of this post is going to have to be typed with my left hand. Curse ye, triangular bastard!

Now I gots me my internets back, I had a cheeky browse of the old blog that Zoe and I used to write, and came across these old gems that I had all but forgotten. The following pictures are from a shoot that I set up and styled myself back in 2009, featuring clothes from vintage boutique Kooki Two Bit (plus a couple of my own thingzz) and my lovely mates Zoe, Ello, Lala and Rhi. Enjoy!


In recent news, I've just finished reading a super-bizarre book that I found at the Old Laundry before it was sadly demolished.


Although it's hardly a model of literary excellence - the plot veers between increasingly unlikely scenarios with little character development or explanation of their motivations - it was damn easy to read, not least because it described beautifully the lifestlye of young women in the late 1920's and had the added bonus of including old English slang words like 'topping', 'wizard' and 'heavens!' at regular intervals. Whilst I was reading something slipped out from between the pages, and I picked it up only to find a perfectly preserved scrap of newspaper dating from January 1931! I'm guessing it was being used as a bookmark, and it has a photograph of the American actress Joan Bennett looking all winsome and blonde. Call me a loser, but it was the most exciting find of my day (the other one being a tub of half-eaten, mouldy Philadelphia in my fridge.)


This should go some way towards explaining why I have dug out my flapper-style dress and am currently practicing finger-waves like there is no tomorrow. Thanks to good old Simon Dare, I'd now like nothing more than to live like a Bright Young Thing for a few days. Good thing the Great Gatsby is soon to be released, prompting a whole flush of Jazz-Age beauty this season, hey? Now excuse me, I have an urgent appointment with a Charleston instructor and a bottle of bootlegged whiskey.


Tux jacket - RSPCA
Blouse - Inernacionale
Dress - Cult
Polka-dot socks - Primarni
Shoes - donaed by Auntie Mandy


  1. heyyy welcome back!!!! i am so glad you that your internet is back on, i mean come on you one of the few people that i can call my BBF (best blogger friends, dahhhh). I know how frustrating not having internet connection can be cause it happens to me allthe time due to my lame internet providing company (i hope they dont' read this lol), i even had my computer shut down for days with the screen all black and empty which sucked more.
    wow i need to write this down or copy and paste it for my next post. i've wrote it so well. completely random.
    lets move on.
    you look fabbbbb, dahhh, i missed your texts and your pics and style. nice to have u back. let us know when you'll finish your next post and where you're going to post it.

  2. Fantastic Photos! It is great that you found them and re-posted them! Nice Blog. :)

  3. love the photos with the teapots!! :) and your dress is amazing! XD

  4. by the way can u do me an immense favor? i have the chance to collaborate with a jewellery brand but to do that i need to send them traffic by my blog, and this can happen only if people click on the link i provide in my newest post, just click nothing more. it would mean the world to me if you just clicked on the link, it would be so helpful since i don't have hundreds of fans to help me out.
    girl i seriously need your help, i mean i contacted the brand and to work with them i need more than 400 clicks on their website which is an insane number for my little little blog. which may lead to me never working with them, but at least i have to try right?

  5. I love your dreeeeeeesssssss! So pretty! Those are awesome photos, I love everything the models are wearing and the makeup is super awesome. Also one of the girls has purple eyes? THAT IS COOL. I want purple eyes dammit. I am sorry you hurt your finger on Toblerone but at least you can eat it afterwards to punish it. I'M SO HUNGRY NOW.
