Friday, 6 January 2012

Chazza Shop Challenge - Day 5 and 6


A quick post today, as in 20 minutes I'm off to visit my baby friend Ursi for our annual cheese and wine night. Baby friend as in friends since we were born, that is. I'm not going to go and glug vino with a toddler for the next three hours, amusing as that would be.

Yesterday equalled a bloody brilliant charity shop haul! The RSPCA shop seems to be where its at, as I managed to spend a grand total of £19.55 and picked up the two things I need most this month - skinny jeans and flat boots! I also managed to find a cheapy Guns&Roses t-shirt (which I stupidly forgot to photograph) and a SMASHING 80's skirt-suit combo, which I only tried on because it looked hilarious on the hanger. The skirt on its own is amazing, but I absolutely love the top - which is strangely wearable, especially with my pink old-lady specs.


Top - charity shop, jeans - charity shop, boots - you guessed it...

This brings my grand total of clothes expenditure to £19.55 - it would have been a heck of a lot more had this challenge not been in place, what with post Xmas sales and all. Going to the RSPCA shop also triggered a brainwave - why not volunteer there?! After all, it is the charity shop challenge, and I have been wanting to offer my admittedly limited skills to volunteer services for a while. So I picked up an application form...


Yes! I will be helping the animals (RSPCA would have been my first port of call anyway, as a lifelong veggie and animal lover) and getting first picks of the chazza shop bargains! Double win.

Today was nice and relaxed - after Oli and I had finished pissing about/finishing uni work, I decided to take him on his first ever tour of Cathays Cemetery, one of the most beautiful (if a bit morbid) places in Cardiff. There's something very peaceful about walking around acres of a graveyard. Most people probably think it a bit gloomy, but in a strange way staring into a horizon of endless gravestones made me feel more alive. If ever I get sad and self-indulgent, I'll take a walk through the cemetery to remind myself that life really is so fragile and we're a long time dead. It kind of puts things into perspective, for me at least.


Pretentious burblings over - I was also very pleased to be able to wear my newly made skirt out for the first time! It's funny how quickly you remember skills you thought were lost in the deepest recesses of your mind, and halfway through making it I dispensed with the patterns instructions and made my own alterations so it would be just how I wanted it!


Jacket - donated by Loz, necklace - donated by Rhian Force, jumper - charity shop then customised, skirt - made meself, belt - Mammy, boots - chazza.

Adios x


  1. Betti come on! You and your blog are perfect... I love your style!! This jacket is adorable ... <3

  2. Bet, I am far too jealous of those pink old lady specs - every time I try to get a bit adventurous with my eyewear my face just goes OH HELLO NO.

    Also - I went on a school trip to Cathays Cemetary when I was 10 - morbid much? It was pretty amazing though, we got taken to all the unusual spots, including one where a girl died in a hot-air balloon incident, and the MASSIVE statue thing of a circus owner...well done St. Joe's Primary. xx

  3. LOl re baby friend. I was wondering exactly how young this person was.


    Thanks for patting the cat for me. :D


  4. SPOTTY JACKET. It is the best thing in the world. Sorry I haven't commented in a while but please know that YOU ARE COOOOOOOLLLL AND I LIKE YOU.

  5. oh chanel jacket you are back (yeah this is how i call it) oh green skirt, i am in loooooooove and i am screaming like crazy. oops mom got here and saw me looking at graveyards this isn't going right, she thinks i am crazy.
    hehe nooo
    although graveyards not really my thing that angel looks so peaceful and serene.
    thanks so much for your fab commnent and support on my "being different is beautiful" post, part two " are you curvy? embrace it" is here and ready for u to check it out.
