Divine voice, I saw her playing at Undertone about a month ago and her Bon Iver cover with Luke Leighfield blew me away. Combines a girly punk aesthetic with 50's glamour. Check out her music here: personal fave song 'Man On Wire' is definitely worth a listen.

Acoustic smart-folk in the same vein as Laura Marling (more of whom you shall read about in a few lines). I can't believe she's only 16! It's madness. Her music is beautiful and her whimsical, English-rose style makes me long for waist-length unkempt hair and an arran knit. Check her out here: Especially 'Don't Go'. Granted, she hasn't got many recordings up yet, but what's there is class.

I'm sure most people have heard of The Marl by now, but I am constantly amazed by the level of skill and maturity her songs hold. Plus she always looks kickass whilst simultaneously appearing to have made minimal effort. Jealous. Hear her choons here, and definitely check out 'Alas I Cannot Swim'.

Esther is a ukulele-toting mate of mine who also sings in the band Love Parry III - which comprises of the three most impossibly stylish people in our city. Her bold fashion sense is out there for some tastes but never looks even remotely ridiculous - she's the only girl I have ever met who can pull off wearing a miniature dove on their head. Her voice...well, see for yourself here. Listen to 'Players and Stars'. It's amazeballs.

I met Efa when I started my uni course last year and can genuinely say she is one of a kind. She used to play in a band called the Stilletoes and now plays solo gigs which consist of her shouting awesome acoustic punk songs about freedom and anarchy. She is mental. Watch her at the Folk Against Fascism gig here, unfortunately I can't find any of her solo tunes on t'interweb. Boo.
Off to get drunk, back soon!
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