Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Chazza Shop Challenge - Day 3.


In terms of adopting new lifestyle changes, such as starting a new diet, quitting cigs, getting off the crack etc, day three is notorious for being a bit of a bastard. It's about this time that the real cravings kick in, and with that comes the incandescent rage brought on by a body deprived of a steady supply of *insert vice here*. It's no suprise that many falter at the day 3 hurdle.

For me, Day 3 proved doubly frustrating. A base need for clothes that were both stylish (or at least style-aware) and suitable for walking around in the torrential downpour outside combined with the full barrage of nictotine withdrawal symptoms turned me into a bit of a Grumplestiltskin, I'm ashamed to admit. I think it was the lack of flat shoes that was most frustrating. Fortunately the dictator of the fashion gestapo/boyfriend was on hand to provide the voice of sanity and remind me that it's just fashion, and also that my housemate Sian had a spare pair of Converse in my size which meant I didn't have to ruin my nice 40's heels with puddle-splish. Unfortunately, my lack of a second hand wet weather coat forced me to grab the only rain-suitable item on the coatstand. It was a Young Guns hoodie. Young Guns are a band beloved by teen scene kids all over the UK, and are quite reminiscent of early FFAF/LostProphets - two bands from my local area that my friends and I grew up listening to. That hoodie, along with the Converse, ra-ra skirt and short black hair, made up almost an exact replica of what I would have worn to some lame pubescent emo gig aged 16. Fantastic. The rest of the outfit wasn't too bad though!


Hoody - left at our house (probz Ashleys), zebra cardi - donated by Rhi, denim shirt - Northcote Lane, rara skirt - Hobo's, Cons - Sians. Sorry Sian, earring - handmade Jack Skellington. Should have really got a close-up of that.

We decided to go for a little amble around the local chazza shops in order to find me a pair of trousers. I found zilch, but Oli got well into it, and came back with three new jumpers and a pair of skinnies - all for under a tenner. He's going to kill me for putting this up...


1 comment:

  1. The quitting smoking thing - it is all about mental toughness. If you feel weak, just tell yourself to suck it up and get on with it and people have MUCH bigger challenges.

    Either that, or tell someone that if you have a ciggie, you have to give them $500. That means you can't sneak one, because you know we just have just one here and there... so you HAVE to not have one.

    Honestly, it does get easier, but unfortnately it never leaves you totally. Every time I am REALLY upset or stressed I just want a ciggie.

    Good luck, keep me updated.

