As a few of you may have noticed, I've not been blogging anywhere near as much recently.
When I have been posting, it's been rather lacklustre. Apologies.
The thing is, I'm just not feeling style blogging anymore. Leaving aside the fact that I now work fulltime in a job I love (promoting an internationally touring circus has to be one of the most fun jobs EVER) and have next to no downtime, it feels like I've hit a block as far as this blog goes.
Stepping into a jazzy outfit and snapping contrived outfit photos doesn't feel fun and creative anymore. It feels stale, and uninspired, and self indulgent. Since finishing university my sartorial creativity has extended beyond the boundaries of my old shop-bought wardrobe. I don't want to consume anymore, I want to create. Designing my upcycled gear has afforded me that freedom, but I don't want this blog to turn into a marketing platform for my design endeavours, either.
I think the problem is external as well as internal. The bloggers I love, whose posts I read religiously (
Miss Tallulah,
Bebe Zeva, I'm looking at you) all seem to have ground to a standstill too. While there are still a couple that keep my bloglust sated (
Annika) what's left on my feed is predominately made up of thinly veiled advertorial and endless reviews of the latest 'it' lipstick. Consumer lust. Primark hauls. Aspirational lifestyle posts. Comment crawling and PR baiting. Heavy on the product placement but devoid of any character. It makes me switch off, and wonder why I'm still reading. Are any of you guys feeling the same thing?
So I'm going to give this ol' URL a rest. I'm not saying it's forever, but I can't quite bring myself to schedule a return date. Hell, I find it hard enough to schedule a dinner appointment with my own father.
I'd love to keep in touch with those of you who I chatted with regularly. Drop me a line on and I'll send you my Facebook. Otherwise, it's tata for now.
Here's a bunch of my favourite outfit posts I've snapped over the last 24 months, and the last one I'll be doing for a while, but which accurately reflects my life-plan right now.
Betti Baudelaire xxx