Lovely chilled-out Christmas-ness with the family and Oli, a veggie feast and a 20p dolphin teddy whom I have named Father Peewee Stairmaster. Ol also made (yes, MADE!) me the naffest Xmas jumper I have ever seen. It's fantastic, I didn't take it off all day. It's just a shame that it can only justifiably be worn once a year *sigh*.

Also gots me a sewing machine and a book on how to host the perfect vintage tea party. I can now set my hair and victory roll it (ish) and can while away the blustery January days by sitting with my rollers in, sewing up ever-more bizarre creations and eating cucumber and rosepetal sandwiches. My parents know me far too well.

The Vintage Tea Party book is by Angel Adoree and is absolutely cracking. It also came in handy for New Years Eve, as it appeared I had inadvertently roped myself into hosting a small party and had no idea what I was doing. I sent out a last minute invite and roped Oli and Jenny into helping out with the cupcakes, scones, finger sandwiches, candied fruits and tea-based truffles and cocktails (Teana Colada, anyone?), popped a vintage dress on and spent the night playing Glenn Miller records and Ring of Fire, mooning out of windows and setting fire to soft furnishings. Sheer class! Unfortunately I was in MAXIMUM POWER mode whilst preparing said party, so there aren't many photos. Boo :(

Happy New Year, amigos! More VERY soon...xxx
LOve the vintage tea party book AND I LOVE THE VINTAGE TEA PARTY. Your hair looks AMAZING!