Another day, another frantic attempt to pick up where I left off blogging-wise. The excuse this time is a very valid one - our directdebit to Virgin Media didn't go through (their fault, not ours - bastards) and consequently our internet connection bit the dust. Very helpful when there's blogging to be done and uni work to submit. Ta for that, Mr Branson.
Luckily, in-between bemoaning Virgin's incompetence, analysing the Something Special magazine for university (my course is fantastically academic, as you can probably tell) and reading up on the moralities of sex, money and power in the 21st century, I managed to squeeze in a bit of time to put some outfit pics together. This first one is from our weekly Sunday trip to Mother Dearests for dindins. After the very vintage mindset I've been stuck in for the past week, I felt a bit whimsical and thus in a moment of madness dug out my old 50's petticoat to put this frilly ensemble together.

Dress - donated by Jenny
Necklace - Primarche
Petticoat - Jacobs Antiques (about a BILLION year ago)
Belt - Mammys
Bracelet - donated by Jenny
Boots - £3.50 at STC
Mother Dearest gave me quite an interesting nugget of information whilst I was sat down nomming my veggie pie. She noticed I was wearing her old belt and proceeded to tell me it's back-story; apparently she bought it in 1982 for a job interview. She told me it's Chanel, which obviously got me all excited and 'YAY I OWN AN ITEM OF CHANEL CLOTHING!' The embellishment that sat on the fastener has long since fallen off (no doubt during one of my many drunken adolescent escapades), so sadly there's no way of telling whether it's the genuine article and I now have a couple of doubts about it's authenticity. Google images threw up no answers, which leads me to consider the three most valid options as to it's origins:
1) Mummy is telling the truth
2) Mummy is lying (bad mummy)
3) Mummy was duped by a dodgy salesperson a couple of decades ago and is still blissfully unaware that her prized Chanel belt is nothing but a forgery.
Whatever the outcome, it's still a bloody brilliant belt that has served both her and I well (and nailed her the job!)

Wool central was the name of the game on Monday, and provided me with a suitable outfit to ballet-dance down the streets of Cardiff in. I don't generally spend my life dancing along the road pretending I'm in West Side Story, just so you know. Oli dared me to jette my way to the shops and promised to buy me a Turkish Delight if I succeeded. Obviously I was game, and managed to make it the entire way without falling over (although I did almost take out an employee of the local Japanese restaurant with one of my pirouettes), only to discover that the shop was closed. This should explain my utterly miserable face in the photo below.

Wool gilet - Camden Market
Jumper - donated by Esther
Dress - donated by Jenny
Specs necklace - Lunacy (inspired my actual granny specs purchase, FYI)
Tights - Mammy
Boots - as before
Today I continued to indulge my joint obsession with charity shops and bad sewing after checking out Tavi Gevinsons Rookiemag for the first time and finding Marlena's class DIY tutorials. I have been lusting after a pair of super-sparkly shoes a la Columbia in Rocky Horror for some time now, and gave myself a good facepalm and 'DOYYYY' when I found out how simple they are to create at home. So I got a-craftin' with some £2.50 shoes (found at PDSA), a killer tub of glitter and some fabric appropriate glue, and the results are as follows...

50 grams of glitter...50 GRAMS! Don't be surprised if I resemble a walking discoball in my next post, having coated everything I own in this abundance of shimmery madness. I'm gonna give these bad boys (to be known henceforth as my DISCO BASTARDS) a couple of extra coats and perhaps add a strap to turn 'em into the pair of spangly Mary Janes I've always wanted. Screw Miu Miu, I've just created a slightly messy approximation of these designer beauties for £3.10. Safe.
After the shoe-fest win, I decided to chance my arm and have a go at the other tutorial featured - the pillowcase skirt. The ruffles on the waistband didn't come out exactly how I wanted them, and I'm a tad worried that if I keep on munching Lidls mini-candies at my current rate I'll no longer be able to fit into a pillow-sized pencil skirt, but these teeny-tiny issues aside the end result is pretty snazzy. I'm contemplating stencilling little cat silhouettes into each scallop on the hem, thoughts?

Cardi -donated by Rhi
Peter Pan blouse - donated by Esther
Skirt -homemade pillowy madness!
Bag -donated by Jenny
DISCO BASTARDS - homemade (originally £2.50 at PDSA)
Good gosh. After that styleless rampage, I'm off to listen to the Magnum P.I theme tune on repeat whilst continuing my love affair with the sewing machine. Stay classy kids, as sure as hell won't. Adios! xx
Your disco shoes are AMAZING. I bought a pair in 1989 (the year of your birth?) from an opshop, that I subsequently gave away and I could kill myself for it now. There were of '60s vintage, silver, and fabulous. Even if they were a few sizes too big. I should make a pair. I have just bought two pairs from Topshop, but they are not as ace as yours. That MAY be a weekend project. Find fugly shoes and make them pretty.
ReplyDeleteThat first outfit is so amazing it made me scream. Very Madge.
Kelly green has to be one of my fav colours.
Ciggie count?
B&W brigade well? Need pics of them, pls.
YOU'RE SO PURRRRRRRDY. Sorry I haven't commented in ages but I still think you are as awesome as ever. You're so fancy for potentially having a CHANEL item, daaaaaahling.